pink butterfly

The Lives We Lead

In October 2021, The Lives We Lead Producer Geraldine Mellet and Videographer Angelique Gerber travelled to Sarah’s home town of Southern Cross, Western Australia to meet Sarah, learn about her art illustrations and story writing and film her with her much loved animals. The footage captures a glimpse into Sarah’s life on her family property and her love for the animals, birds and other wildlife that she encounters every day. All of which have inspired her to create her story book characters. We see Sarah with her much adored mob of pet sheep, including Timmy Lamb, the inspiration for Sarah’s first book ‘The Tale of Timmy Lamb’. We meet the inspiration for another of Sarah’s characters Marley Dog, an excitable, soccer playing Kelpie. And we see Sarah feeding and caring for the animals at Parnana Pikurtu Wildlife Sanctuary where she has been volunteering with the kangaroos, birds, goats, sheep and other numerous wildlife for the last 4-5 years. There was a wonderful, supportive response to this video when it was first shared online and it has since been viewed and shared widely.

The Lives We Lead is a project by WA’s Individualised Services, funded by the Department of Communities and Department of Social Services. The project seeks to educate the community to have a better understanding of the contributions people with disability make economically, socially, culturally and politically. Video and photo stories of people with disability are captured and shared on social media.

Below you can watch the video. Also some photos taken on the day of filming.

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